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Kate's little helpers! Beaming Prince George, 8, Princess Charlotte, 7, and Prince Louis, 4, bake cakes with the Duchess of Cambridge for a Cardiff street partyīetter baskets made easy: tasty ways to boost your five a day Rod Stewart, 77, poses for sweet family snap with wife Penny Lancaster, 51, and his children after leaving viewers unimpressed by his performance at Jubilee concert PLATINUM JUBILEE LIVE: Colourful floats are ready to go for Queen's £15m street pageant, royal fans get themselves in position outside the Palace It's The Party At The Palace! Diana Ross delivers her first UK performance in 15 YEARS and Queen and Adam Lambert perform a montage of hits at Jubilee concert Johnny Depp is mobbed by fans in Manchester after latest gig - after his $15M lawsuit win over Amber Heardįrom incredible waterparks to world's first Ferrari-inspired theme park: Find out why Yas Island Abu Dhabi is THE holiday destination 'I will talk if people ask': Love Island's Amber Beckford reveals she has a famous ex-boyfriend and may discuss their romance in the villa 'I thought I looked fat and ugly in my promo picture': Love Island's Georgia Townend constantly 'picked fault' with her figure in the past

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